Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hand-Decorated Mugs

So, I am now officially a college freshman. And my RA, Madi, is super cool. Naturally, we decided to begin crafting time. For our first crafting session, we decorated mugs, because I saw some adorable ones on Etsy and decided I could make them instead of buying them. Also, we made hot chocolate spoons to go with the mugs. For that tutorial post, follow this link!

Original Pinterest/Etsy Inspiration:

Sharpie Paint Markers (we found them at Hobby Lobby)
White Ceramic Mug(s)


  1. Decorate the mugs to your heart's desire!
  2. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Wait for the markers to dry completely.
  4. Bake the mugs for 30 minutes, then turn the oven off and let the mugs cool in the oven.
  5. Enjoy your new personalized mug!
P.S. Make sure to hand wash the mug, otherwise you'll be super sad when you take it out of the dishwasher and there is no more pretty design! *pouty face*
P.P.S. The color on my mug changed a bit when I baked it, so just be aware that it may not come out exactly as you intended.

This one is my mug:

And this is the one Madi made for herself:

A couple more pictures of another mug that I made can be found here.

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